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GuideTags and Tag Groups

Tags and Tag Groups

Tags allow you to annotate case evidence and details for better organization and search.

Start using tags by navigating to the Documents tab for a selected Case.


By default, TensorCase comes with a variety of tags to help annotate common features of evidence documents. When you upload case evidence documents, you will see the tags populate in the documents table.


Tag Groups

A Tag Group groups together common tags for ease-of-use throughout the application. The 2 Tag Groups by default are: Issues and Key Topics.

Issues refers to Issue Types for investigations that classifies the specific category or nature of the alleged wrongdoing being investigated, e.g., Harassment (Sex), Bullying / Hostile Behavior, Retaliation, etc. Our list is always growing and you can add your own, too. Our system defines Issues careful and adheres to workplace investigation standards.

Key Topics are common patterns found within evidence documents, e.g., Unwelcome Sexual Advance, Emotional Distress. These patterns are often correlated with Issues and often looked for by investigators.

Currently, we only support these 2 Tag Groups, but it’s on our roadmap to release custom Tag Groups in the near future!

Create or Edit your own Tags

Click Create or Edit Option

To create of edit your own custom tags, click Create new tag or Edit existing tags under the Tags column options. They are very similar workflows.

Create Tag

Configure Tag

This will trigger a popup modal like the following:

Create Tag Modal

Fill out the following fields:

Tag: pick a descriptive name for the tag. Note: the name should be either unique among tag groups if assigned a tag group or unique within the investigation it’s created. Try to avoid special characters. The better the name, the better our AI will be able to use it.

Tag Group: (Optional) If desired, you can assign the tag to an existing Tag Group like Issues or Key Topics. Note, this will make your tag available to all other investigations. If you want to restrict the tag to be just for the investigation it’s being created under, select the Only this Case option.

Definition: (Optional) To enable AI based tagging, you can supply a definition or question for the tag. The definition or question should be precise and should be able to be answered with a yes or no. You can see definitions for our existing tags for reference. For best results, include some examples of what matches and non-matches in the definition. If you don’t support a definition, the tag will only work manually through users.


If you are editing a tag, then you will need to check Rerun tag for all rows if you want to re-run the tag AI for your new changes, e.g. for updates to prompts.

Rerun Tags

Finally, click Submit. If you created a new tag or had re-run enabled, then you should see the tag matches start to populate!