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GuideQuick StartFile Upload

File Upload

This tutorial walks you through uploading a document for a case.

Navigate to the Cases page by clicking Cases in the left hand navigation bar. Once on the Cases page, select a case by hovering over the respective case row and clicking Open. If you’re a first time user, a sample case will be provided for you to try out.

Go to Documents Tab

Here we have evidence documents for this case.

Download this Sample Document

Download this Sample Document to your computer.

Upload the Sample Document

Click the +Add button under the File column. Select the SampleDocument.pdf that you just downloaded. Within a few seconds, you will see the various columns populate with tags.

Congratulations! You just uploaded a document and extracted out case tags - easy as that! In production, TensorCase can support multiple file uploads, drive integrations (e.g. SharePoint, Dropbox, Google Drive), email attachment uploads, and more coming soon.